Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Dec 13 Flash Sale

Today's $.99 item is Simple Pleasures!

I love how peaceful the colors in this kit make me feel. This is a time of year when its good to sit back and remember that sometimes the best things are the simple things... like snuggling up hot chocolate or baking cookies together. Sometimes the best things are the things you cannot buy. I hope you will each take a moment or two to appreciate the simple moments this season!

Here is one of our recent simple moments...J is mod podging some tiles to make into drink coasters. He has made 4 sets of them to give as gifts. I love that he is in his Home Depot apron- he wears is for all our projects!

And another of my favorite simple moments - though this one is almost 2 years old- my sister's status update on Facebook while in the early weeks of her pregnancy. I still laugh every time I look at this layout!

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